Connecting & TroubleshootingIntroduction
This tutorial explains how to connect to the EZ-B v4 from your Windows PC. This is a generic connection tutorial and not specific to any robots. There are specific connection tutorials for each style of robot by clicking here. However, for connecting issues, use this tutorial. Anti Virus Antivirus Software - This is the number one connection issue. There are many reports of connection issues with PCs running Antivirus Software, such as AVAST, McAfee, Norton or Norton Internet Security. If your PC has Antivirus software installed, please disable or uninstall it. Nearly all of the communication issues are related to anti-virus software, such as Norton or McAfee. Simply disable the virus scanner before contacting EZ-Robot support. How To Connect via Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Connection Mode
The default EZ-B v4 Wi-Fi setting is AP Mode (also called Wi-Fi Access Point or AdHoc). Tutorials on how to change the WiFi mode can be accessed HERE. Developer Kit Users If you have a developer kit and the EZ-B is disconnecting, chances are that the batteries are not providing enough current for the servos. When this happens, it is called a "Brown Out". That means the EZ-B controller is not getting enough power when the servos move. In this case, the only solution is to replace the power source with higher amperage. A wall-wart (power adapter) will not provide enough current for electro-mechanical servo motors. The ideal option is to purchase a LiPo Battery, Balance Charger, and LiPo Battery Harness. Trouble Shooting Connection Guide If you are still having trouble connecting to the EZ-B v4, this section below contains trouble shooting steps.