No Sound from EZB Or IOTINYThe question about not having audio from the EZ-B requires a few diagnostic steps to identify the issue.
No Startup Chime - Can Connect from ARC (formerly EZ-Builder) As demonstrated in the Learn Tutorials, the EZ-B v4 will emit a friendly startup chime when switched on. The startup sequence involves the flashing of the status led and the startup chime. If the startup chime is not heard, we must now identify if a connection from ARC either via Mobile or PC can be made to the EZ-B. If a connection can be made and the EZ-B v4 operates normally, but without audio, then the issue can be easily repaired with a Phillips head screw driver. The speaker of the EZ-B v4 is pressure fit against the case and the PCB. Two springs emerge from the speaker which make a connection to the exposed pads on the bottom of the EZ-B main board. Separate the plastic chassis from the EZ-B with the 4 screws. Very gently use a pair of small plyers or tweezers and extend the springs a very small amount. Also use a Q-Tip and rubbing alcohol to clean the speaker pads on the bottom of the EZ-B main circuit board. Re-assemble and your speaker should be operating. No Startup Chime - Unable To Connect from ARC Likely that the EZ-B v4 main board (bottom PCB) has been damaged. If the communications board (top PCB) was damaged, the speaker would verbally inform you of a communications error. Instead, the bottom board is not responding - also, confirm that there is no red LED during startup. The lack of red LED during startup means the bottom board main chip is damaged. In the likely hood of a damaged main board PCT, you can either replace the bottom board, or replace the entire EZ-B v4. The bottom board can be damaged by a few ways:
"Communication Error" - Verbal Message If the EZ-B v4 startup does not make the startup chime, and verbally speaks of a communication error after powered on for 10 seconds, the top PCB (comm board) has been damaged. The top PCB of the EZ-B v4 is the communication board which contains the WiFi and Web Server. When the bottom board is unable to communicate with the top board, it will inform you with a verbal message out of the speaker. To purchase a EZ-B v4 PCB separately can be requested by contacting us directly. |